A Capable Orland Divorce Attorney Can Straighten any Alimony Concerns
Divorce does not end after an estranged couple finalizes the legal dissolution of their marriage; matters such as alimony and child support need to be maintained long after the case has been settled to ensure that both parties’ interests are protected. A news article puts to light just how severe the conflict may be between former couples, and how this dispute can affect even the children’s welfare. According to the report, Orlando congressman Alan Grayson’s former wife is now claiming to be broke, and thus is forced to apply for government support:
But Alan Grayon's attorney, Mark Nejame, said it's no surprise the information is coming out now, one week before Election Day, arguing Lolita Grayson's assistance application is incomplete.
On the paperwork, she only claims $592 per child for her monthly income, but Nejame says Grayson is also paying the mortgage, utilities and phone bill for the home, a total of about $10,000 a month.
"This is abusing the public," Nejame said. "She's going out and asking for support because she can't support herself on $120,000? That's outrageous."
Rep. Grayson does not pay spousal support because his marriage is under the scope of a bigamy claim. His attorneys are claiming the marriage was never valid because Lolita Grayson was never divorced from her last husband.
The stipulations of alimony mandate that one party in a divorce—usually the more financially-able of the two—should provide allowance to the other. It is a precarious thing to settle, especially if one party refuses to provide spousal support (just like the scenario described above). If you are planning to dissolve your marriage with your current partner and you want to ensure that you will receive your financial dues, then you will need the help of an experienced Orlando divorce attorney.
Divorce procedures can get hairy pretty quickly in court when money is involved, and it is not unusual to see estranged couples bitterly fight over their shared finances. When it comes to awarding alimony, the court takes many factors into consideration for a fair arrangement, but it does not always make favorable rulings. A knowledgeable divorce attorney from Orlando firms, such as West, Green & Associates P.L., should be able to straighten things out by helping both parties reach a settlement, or by representing their clients in court to fight for better spousal support arrangements.
(Source: How did Alan Grayson's wife get approved for public assistance?,, Oct. 28, 2014)