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Orlando Divorce and Family Law

The firm of West, Green & Associates, P.L. limits its representation to matters involving marital and family law. In this connection, we are dedicated to the following beliefs: Our clients want us to solve problems, not create issues; Children come first; You have only one life, a divorce is only a small part of it; An educated client is a necessary part of the team.

Our staff consists of three associate attorneys, two paralegals, office administrator, scheduling coordinator, receptionist, and an administrative assistant. The firm utilizes the most current technology to efficiently provide the best representation to its clients in a cost effective method. When necessary, the firm employs outside expert resources such as a private investigator, forensic accountants, and psychologists who further strengthen our team.

The firm has a proven track record of providing superlative representation in complex personal and financial matters by dedication to client service, legal excellence and high standards of professional integrity.

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